


// API_v1beta1 returns the resources and codec for API version v1beta1.
func (m *Master) API_v1beta1() (map[string]apiserver.RESTStorage, runtime.Codec, string, runtime.SelfLinker) {
storage := make(map[string]apiserver.RESTStorage)
for k, v := range m.storage {
storage[k] = v
return storage, v1beta1.Codec, "/api/v1beta1", latest.SelfLinker

// InstallREST registers the REST handlers (storage, watch, and operations) into a mux.
// It is expected that the provided prefix will serve all operations. Path MUST NOT end
// in a slash.
func (g *APIGroup) InstallREST(mux mux, paths ...string) {
restHandler := &g.handler
watchHandler := &WatchHandler{g.handler.storage, g.handler.codec}
redirectHandler := &RedirectHandler{g.handler.storage, g.handler.codec}
opHandler := &OperationHandler{g.handler.ops, g.handler.codec}

for _, prefix := range paths {
prefix = strings.TrimRight(prefix, "/")
proxyHandler := &ProxyHandler{prefix + "/proxy/", g.handler.storage, g.handler.codec}
mux.Handle(prefix+"/", http.StripPrefix(prefix, restHandler))


func (rs *REST) List(ctx api.Context, label, field labels.Selector) (runtime.Object, error) {
pods, err := rs.registry.ListPodsPredicate(ctx, rs.filterFunc(label, field))
if err == nil {
for i := range pods.Items {
pod := &pods.Items[i]
status, err := getPodStatus(pod, rs.minions)
if err != nil {
return pod, err
pod.CurrentState.Status = status
if pod.CurrentState.Host != "" {
pod.CurrentState.HostIP = rs.getInstanceIP(pod.CurrentState.Host)
return pods, err


package pod

import (

// Registry is an interface implemented by things that know how to store Pod objects.
type Registry interface {
// ListPods obtains a list of pods having labels which match selector.
ListPods(ctx api.Context, selector labels.Selector) (*api.PodList, error)
// ListPodsPredicate obtains a list of pods for which filter returns true.
ListPodsPredicate(ctx api.Context, filter func(*api.Pod) bool) (*api.PodList, error)
// Watch for new/changed/deleted pods
WatchPods(ctx api.Context, resourceVersion string, filter func(*api.Pod) bool) (watch.Interface, error)
// Get a specific pod
GetPod(ctx api.Context, podID string) (*api.Pod, error)
// Create a pod based on a specification.
CreatePod(ctx api.Context, pod *api.Pod) error
// Update an existing pod
UpdatePod(ctx api.Context, pod *api.Pod) error
// Delete an existing pod
DeletePod(ctx api.Context, podID string) error